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Sacred Sexual Music Festival



1685 3rd Avenue

PRINCE GEORGE, British Columbia​



Sunday, August 28, 2022

noon - 9 p.m.


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"The folks who participated got a real lovely, authentic and intimate experience.

We had singing bowls by Tracy serenade us for the final meditation. It was otherworldly.

Best day ever! 

So many good connections -- Beth is a treasure, Krista is a tantric treasure, Carla Wainwright gave a terrific class…

Awesomeness all around."

~ April Ottesen

"The workshop 'Paint Your Yoni/Lingam and Heal' went really well!

It was amazing to see everyone transform during the session.

There was some nervousness and apprehension before the session began but by the end, everyone was enjoying themselves and learning that they could have fun with simple art supplies and the freedom to paint/draw whatever they liked -- even their yonis or lingams!

It was also nice to hear a lot of conversations amongst themselves about their bodies. 
This yoni/lingam talk was beautiful to hear and felt very constructive toward healing sexual shame."

~ Beth Hanson, Facilitator of "Paint Your Yoni/Lingam and Heal."


"Performing at this event inspired me to start a satsang/meditation group here in Prince George.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to share my voice and music."

~ Beth Halo, singer/songwriter

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Let's introduce a new communication standard that supports our sacred sexual well-being!






© 2025  Sacred Sexual Music Festival




“Music has to play a most important role in bringing about world oneness

for music is the connecting link between the One and the many

and between the many and the One.”

~ Sri Chinmoy





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